![]() Gas lift Gaznevidy Gazni Gas analyzers Gas-ballast pump Gas balloon automobile Gases the liquefaction Gases the cleaning Gases the separation Gas gangrene The gas burner Gas dynamics Gas-fired furnace The gas constant Gabor ![]() |
GaznevidyAggressive marches g. were accompanied by the destruction of entire regions, by destruction it will water, systems, by the robbery of population and by its theft into the servitude. All this weakened state g. and it led to the aggravation 2GP 0N class struggle, that were expressed in the national uprisings, and also the making more active of religious sects and flows (by ismai- Lithuanian, karmatov, sufiyev, cm. Sufizm). With Masude I (1030-41) began the disintegration of state. After 1040 into it entered only the part of terr. of contemporary. Afghanistan and Punjab. In KON the 70's. 12 V. Guridy delivered last impact To gaznevidam, after extruding them in the North India, where after the taking of Lahore into 1186 with the ruler g. - Khosrov-Malike [ 1160-86 (or 1187)] state and dynasty g. they ended their existence. |