Gas lift Gaznevidy Gazni Gas analyzers Gas-ballast pump Gas balloon automobile Gases the liquefaction Gases the cleaning Gases the separation Gas gangrene The gas burner Gas dynamics Gas-fired furnace The gas constant Gabor |
Gases the separationBasic methods g. r.: the rectification of the liquified during the deep cooling gases, absorption and adsorption, the fractionated condensation. G. r. widely use with the separation of air and gaseous hydrocarbons. New directions in the technology g. r. are chromatography, extractive and azeotropic distillation, application of molecular sieves, gas centrifuges. Lit.: Fastovskiy v. g., the separation of gas mixture, M. - l., of 1947; Sokolov V. A., the new method of separations of light hydrocarbons, M., 1961; Separation and the analysis of hydrocarbon gases, coll. of articles, M., 1963; Mueller g., Gnauk g., gases of high cleanliness, translated from the German, M., 1968; Yukel'son i. i., the technology of basic organic synthesis, M., 1968. 4. M. braynes. |