Gas lift Gaznevidy Gazni Gas analyzers Gas-ballast pump Gas balloon automobile Gases the liquefaction Gases the cleaning Gases the separation Gas gangrene The gas burner Gas dynamics Gas-fired furnace The gas constant Gabor |
Gas-fired furnaceFig. 2. Box passage furnace for heating of the billets: 1 - gas communications; 2 - gas burner; 3 - camera of heating; 4 - fireproof laying. Fig. 3. Chamber dryer for the foundry molds and the rods on the gas heating: 1 - gas burner; 2 - gas communications; 3 - camera of drying; 4 - distributor; 5 - brick lining. mean temperature g. p. the rate in the working space of more than 650 °S, heat exchange are produced by radiation and convection. Example mean temperature g. p. - Vol. n. of therm. furnace (Fig. 2), prednaznach. for heating of articles for purposes of leave (600-700 °S), hardening (800-1000 °S) and in the some cases of normalization (850-1100 °S). In low-temperature g. p. the temperature in the working space to 650 0s, heat exchange is achieved in essence by convection. Low-temperature g. p. includes the dryers of different designation (for example, for the foundry molds and the rods, for the finished production after its painting and for the wood, which proceeds with the production of container). In the dryers (Fig. 3) injection gas burners are located usually out of the zone of neposredstv. of action on the articles and the material. The obtained products of the combustion of the gas through it will distribute, devices be sent for the camera of drying. G. p. are classified also according to other principles (for example, tech., design). The high economic indices of work g. p. are obtained during the organization of the stepped use of heat of the burnt gas. Thus, for example, combustion products high-temperature g. p. direct into the low-temperature furnaces or they use for preheating the fuel supplied to the furnace. Lit.: Mikheev v. p., gas fuel- and his combustion, l., 1966; Use of gas in industrial furnaces, l., 1967. N. i. ryabtsev. |