Gas lift Gaznevidy Gazni Gas analyzers Gas-ballast pump Gas balloon automobile Gases the liquefaction Gases the cleaning Gases the separation Gas gangrene The gas burner Gas dynamics Gas-fired furnace The gas constant Gabor |
Gas balloon automobileThe gases, which are contained in the liquified state, are subdivided into 2 groups: 1) propane-butane and propylenebutylene, that are liquefied with the the usual rate -.pax and the comparatively low pressure: they are contained in the steel cylinders, calculated for the pressure of 1,6 Mm/l2 (16 kgf/cm2); 2)metano- howl the gas, converted into the liquid at the atm pressure and a temperature of -161,3 °S; for its storage and transportation be required the special isothermal balloons, prepared from the cold-resistant material and calculated for the pressure in 1 MN/m2 (10 kgf/cm2). Osn advantages g. a. over the automobiles, which work on the liquid propellants, are: the smaller wear of the details of engine, greater is the period of the service of oil, the possibility of an increase in the power of engine due to an increase in the compression ratio, a higher fuel efficiency less the cost of fuel, the small toxicity of the waste gases. Operation g. a. is connected with the need of creating the network of gas-filling stations, which detains the development of this form of transport. In THE USSR the first constructions g. a. were created in the beginning the 30's; industr. release g. a., which work on the compressed gases, was begun into 1939, on the liquefied gases - into 1953. G. a. are subdivided into the universal (workers both on the gas and on the gasoline) and the special, whose the engines are fitted out for the work only on gas. The gas balloon installation of the automobile, which works on the compressed gas, includes 5-8 balloons, located usually hearth by the floor of cargo platform. From the balloons the gas penetrates the heater, the main gate and the filter into the double-reduction gear, where its pressure is reduced to the value, close to the atmospheric. At the output from the reducer is established the dosing apparatus, which ensures the entering of the necessary quantity of gas to the carburetor- mixer, in which the gas is mixed up with air. Further gas- air mixture is sent for the cylinders of engine. The gas balloon installation of the automobile, which works on the liquefied gas, includes the balloon, which is filled up with liquid to 90% of its capacity (on top it remains the steam pillow, necessary with the thermal expansion of liquid). With launching of the cold engine of fuel- it enters in the gaseous state from the top, to the part of the balloon. Thoroughly heated engine works on the fuel, which enters from the lower of the part of the balloon through the main gate the vaporizer, where it (due to the heat of hot water in the cooling system of engine) converts from the liquid to gaseous state. The evaporated fuel- passes felt and gauze filters, two-step gas regulator enters the dual chamber gas mixer, in which it is mixed up in the necessary proportion with air. Gas-air mixture is sucked in into the cylinders of engine and burns as in the usual engine. Liquified methane is used usually complex- in the quality of the source of cold for maintaining the low temperature in the body (with the transportation, for example, the perishable foods of products) and simultaneously fuel for the engine. From the isothermal balloon methane penetrates the heat exchange batteries (in which it evaporates and it nagrevayetsya due to the heat of ambient air) into the auto. switch and the double-reduction gear to the gas mixer, from where it enters the cylinders of engine. Osn the tech. indices of owls. G. a. are given in table. Lit.: Samol' g. i., Gold- pulling strings i. i., gas balloon automobiles, 3 publ., M., 1963. I. i. gol"dblat. Basic technical indices of the Soviet gas balloon automobiles, which work on the compressed and liquefied gases
CELLULAR CONCRETE, the variety of cellular concrete. It is manufactured by the introduction of gas developing agent (usually aluminum powder) into the mixture, which consists of that binding (portland cement, ground by lime- Ci -pelki, etc.). siliceous component (ground quartz sand) and water. The process of gas formation occurs as a result of the chem. reaction between calcium hydrate and aluminum; hydrogen separating in this case causes the distention of the solution, which, hardening, preserves porous structure. For rapid hardening and obtaining the articles of g. with the necessary strength indices of article they subject to hygrothermal working in the autoclaves at a pressure of vapor not less than 9 am and to the temperature of 175 °S. G. adapts mainly as the the heat- -izol4q. and konstruktivno-teploizolyats. of material with the production of the enclosing constructions of buildings. Density g. (kg/m3) 300, 400, 500, 600, 700; compression strength (MN/m2) respectively by 0,8; 1,2; 2,5; 3,5; 5,0 (8,12, 25, 35, 50 kg/cm2). There is a number of varieties g., which are differed in the form binding or siliceous of the component used: for example, gassilicate (binding - quicklime), gazozolobeton (siliceous component - ashes- removal OF TETS - HEAT AND POWER PLANT). Lit.: Construction standards and rule, h. 1, division v, chapter 3. Concretes on inorganic those binding and fillers, M., 1963; Krivitskiy M. 4., the in-house production of articles made of cellular concrete, M., 1963. M. 4. Krivitskiy. |