
Vysotskaya the culture
Exhibition of the achievements of national economy of the ussr (
Exhibitions are world
Exhibitions are agricultural
Exhibitions are artistic
Protrusions are tectonic
Highest certification commission
Highest komsomol school
Higher mathematics
Highest measure of the punishment
Highest party school with the cc cpsu
The higher school
Highest shkola&.tsuot
The higher school of the party organizers
Expressive motions

Образование - счетчик, рейтинг, каталог - FLEXER

Exhibitions are world

the internat. exhibition, organized for the purpose of the demonstration of the many-sided activity of peoples in the region of the economy, science, technology, culture and skill. Are distinguished by v. v. universal (showdown of achievements in different regions of human activity) and specialized (demonstration of achievements in some to one concrete sphere of activity). By first v. v. there was internat. industr. exhibition in London in 1851. V. did not have and were arranged strictly defined periodicity v. with the spaces from 2 to 7 years. On first v. v. in osn were demonstrated the successes of industry, subsequently their thematics was enlarged. With an increase in the popularity v. v. gradually increased the number of country- participants, quantity and assortment of exhibits (in Vol. h. of large machines, transp. of means and others.); if on first v. v. all exhibits were concentrated in one large building (for example, "crystal palace" in London), then from 1878 (on v. v. in Paris) practices building different pavilions. In all with 1851 on 1970 were organized 39 universal v. v.: in New York (1853, 1939), Paris (1855, 1867, 1878, 1889, 1890, 1900, 1937), London (1862, 1886, 1908), Vienna (1873), Philadelphia (1876, 1926), sydney (1879), Melbourne (1880), Chicago (1893, 1933, 1934), Brussels (1897, 1910, 1935, 1958), Buffalo (1901), Glazgo (1901), Saint- Louis (1904), liege (1909), ghent (1913), San Francisco (1915), Goteborg (1923), Uembli (1924/25), Barcelona (1926), Antwerp (1930), Port- About -Prense (1948), Seattle (1962), Montreal (1967), To osaka (1970). V. v. usually are conducted under the specific motto, which determines osn the theme of exhibition, for example, first v. v. in London had a motto "let all peoples they work together at the great matter - improvement of humanity"; in New York (1939) - to the "peace of tomorrow", in Brussels (1958) - "persons and progress", in Montreal (1967) - the "Earth people", in osaka (1970) - "progress and accordion for humanity". Each participating country by exhibits reveals motto v. v. conformable to its social system and economic possibilities.

The first attempt to regulate organization v. v. is realized into 1912, when in Berlin the delegates of 14 countries signed agreement about the rules of organization and the system of the rewards v. v. however 1st world war 1914-18 it interfere withd ratifying this agreement. In 1928 convention about the internat. exhibitions, signed in Paris by the representatives of 35 states (in Vol. h. of the USSR), it regulated the order of organization v. in. In accordance with the convention is formed permanent organ - internat. bureau of exhibitions (MBV). By superior body MBV is adm the council, with which there are 4 commissions - classification, regulatory, Adm- budgetary and commissions for the release of bulletin and advertisement. Abode MBV - Paris. In 1970 participants in the convention appeared 34 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, BSSR, Great Britain, Hungary, Haiti, Greece, Denmark, Israel, Italy, Canada, Lebanon, Morocco, Monaco, Nigeria, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, THE USSR, THE USA, Tanzania, Tunisia, UKRSSR - UKRAINIAN SSR, Finland, France, THE FRG, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan.

Beginning with 1851 Russia repeatedly it participated in v. v.: in London (1851, 1862), in Paris (1867, 1890), etc. From the time of its formation Sov. state participated in 5 v. v.: in Paris (1937), in New York (1939), Brussels (1958), Montreal (1967) and in osaka (1970). On v. v. in Paris, which coincided with the 20- anniversary of Sov. authority, were demonstrated the enormous scales of socialistic building in THE USSR. On v. v. in New York Sov. exposure was developed on the theme: "future belongs to socialism". In the Sov. pavilion the achievements of the peoples OF THE USSR in the fulfillment of five-year plans were widely shown. On v. v. in Brussels the visitors obtained idea about the achievements BY THE USSR in the region of the economy, science, culture and increasing the welfare of Sov. people. The pavilion OF THE USSR was acknowledged as one of the good and for the exposure as a whole it was honored the highest reward - gold star. V. v. in Montreal coincided with the 50- anniversary of Sov. state. Main idea of Sov. exposure - to show the advantage of socialistic system. First v. v., organized in Asia (osaka), in the time of conducting coincided with the celebration of 100- anniversary from the birthday Of v. i. Lenin. Osn of the theme of Sov. pavilion - "Lenin - the creator of socialist state", the "development of Lenin's ideas during our days", the "harmonic development of personality in the socialist state". D. M. Serov. Architecture of exhibitions. Pavilions and construction v. v. themselves became the exhibits, which demonstrate the achievements of architecture and it constructs, technology, and also designer skill, frequently determining osn of the trend of their development on mn. years forward. The huge number of exhibits (for the arrangement and the convenient inspection of which it is required the extensive, well illuminated vnutr. space), the large flow of visitors, the need for the rapid of building and dismantling of pavilions led to the searches for new arkhit. of forms and tech. methods. Enormous building (dl. 503 m) of the pavilion of the 1st world exhibition in London in 1851 (Vol. n. "crystal palace", eng. J. pakston), built in all for 6 mo. because of the application of an open composite body from standard metallich. (mainly cast iron) details and the frames of enclosure with the filling from the glass, in its appearance sharply it differed from the the traditional of ordernoy architecture. Gradually are added organizats. the principles of the demonstration of exhibits; for example, on v. v. in Chicago into 1893 together with the main pavilion, where were represented all states, which participate in the exhibition, they built tematich. (on the branches of industry) and national pavilions; in one place were grouped the pavilions of the country - organizer v. v. (pavilions section of the states OF THE USA). The enormous sizes of exposures v. v. caused the need of creating the places for leisure (for the first time on Parisian v. v. into 1878). Paid spectacles and entertainments were arranged for coating of enormous expenditures on the organization v. v. and for the extraction of incomes. Strictly exhibition zone and zone of leisure and entertainments together with the re-planting, the fountains, the ponds formed the elaborate complex (this structure in osn features they preserved all v. v.), whose the planning usually had regular features. Following the building on Parisian v. in. 1889 Vol. n. of the Eiffel tower (eng. a. g. Eiffel), which was being intended only for the showdown of achievements French construct, technology and the creation of high-altitude dominant in the ensemble of exhibition, appears the tradition of the creation of the construction, which symbolize motto v. v. (for example, Vol. n. "atomium" in the form of the increased 165 billion times molecule of iron, ARKh. A. vaterkeyn, eng. a. padyuar, on v. v. in Brussels into 1958). For the pavilions v. in. 2-1 floors. 19 v. is characteristic the break between innovative eng. by the solution of the construction, in which were used the metal, glass-, the reinforced concrete, the usovershenstvovannye metallic frame structures, which made it possible to sharply increase the flight of overlaps (to 104 m in the "gallery of the machines" of ARKh. F. l. dyuter on Parisian v. in. 1889), and by palace type facades in is true arkhit. styles, and more frequent - covered with magnificent eklektich. by decor. Up to the beginning. 20 v. the arrangement of exhibits in the pavilion was deprived of the general of kompozits. of idea, exposure was decomposed into a number section, the not connect together sections. Among the abundance of decorative decoration difficult it was to examine exhibits themselves, whose the arrangement resembled the apportionment of goods in the large store. To draw attention to the industr. article or the raw material of pervonach. tried due to its abundant and fanciful formulation, uniqueness and hypertrophied sizes (for example, enormous samovars on Parisian v. in. 1900) or the unusualness of use (for example, the fortress, folded of the sacks of flour, in the palace of agriculture on v. v. in Chicago into 1893). More lately appear models, and then mock-ups for the demonstration of complex productions, processes and machines, the newest achievements of optics, electrical engineering, etc., are used.

In the exhibition architecture and the art of exposure in 1920- X - beginning. the 30's the determining role played the ideas of functionalism and constructivism. Almost all exhibits of participating countries v. v. are placed in the national pavilions, whose the architecture becomes one of the means, which reveal the ideological content of national exposure. Participation BY THE USSR in v. v. contributed to strengthening ideologich. of the role of the architecture of pavilions. Majesties, the dynamic on the forms pavilion OF THE USSR on Parisian v. in. 1937 (ARKh b. m. iofan), crowned by sculptural group "worker collective farmer" (1935-37, the stainless steel, sculptor v. i. mukhina), was the excellent model of the synthesis of architecture and sculpture and became the symbol of the victories of Sov. people in the building of socialism, and its exposure - by example of the active propaganda of foremost social ideas. The general trends of development of exhibition architecture and art of exposure in the period after 2-1 world war 1939-45 especially vividly appeared on v. in. 1970 in osaka (Japan), where entire arkhit. of means were subordinated to the task of the most complete disclosure of the motto of exhibition h progress and accordion for humanity ". This motto was symbolically (in accordance with the traditions of the national of Jap. culture) personified in the compact, constructed according to the functional principle of gen. plan in the form of the branched tree (group of Jap. architects the hearth of hands. K. tange). "trunk" of tree was center v. v., Vol. n. symbolic zone (is architectural organizov. space for different internat. measures and ceremonies, appearances of artists, encounters and leisure of visitors, and also for positioning internat. tematich. and artistic, exhibitions), by "branches" - the main road, which lead to the entrances, by "leaves" and by "fruits" - pavilions, sgruppirov. around 8 areas on the "branches" of tree. Since one of the main theme v. v. becomes scientific-technical progress, in the architecture mn. of pavilions realize the experimental projects, where new eng. of idea are personified, adapt new design and the volumetrically- spaces of the solutions, based on the use by contemporary constructs, materials and arkhitektonich. of principles (for example, the pavilion of the group Of "fudzi" with pneumatic constructions, ARKh. YutakaMurata). On this new tech. basis section to pavilions is given simvolich. of arkhit. the appearance (for example, the pavilion OF THE USSR in the form of the expanded Red Banner, which symbolizes the celebration of the ideas of leninism in the world, State the pavilion of Japan, whose five cylind. volumes form in the plan of national Jap. symbol - five-petalous flower of cherries). Are complicated the methods of exposure, which is organized on plan- scenario, osn to teatralizov. the methods of demonstration (with the application of light-dynamic. effects, the achievements of electronics and cybernetics, and also cinema, lantern-slides, etc.), frequently according to the seansovoy program.

Lit.: [ Melnikov n. p. ], the miracles of exhibition in Chicago, Odessa, 1893; [ Orlov M. A. ], world Parisian exhibition 1900 in the illustrations and the descriptions, SPB, 1900; Matveyev N. 4., the architecture of world exhibitions and international exhibitions and fairs, in the collection: Housing and civil construction, in. 5. Exhibitions. Apartment houses in the hot countries, M., 1962, s. 9-56; Nikolayev I. S., Melnikov n. p., world exhibition in Brussels. 1958. Architecture. Design forms of pavilions, M., 1963; Gramolin I. V., Arkhitektur on the exhibition in Montreal, M., 1968; Gnats i., the first world exhibitions, the "decorative skill OF THE USSR", 1970, №9, s. 22-26; Posokhin M. V., The architecture "Of Expos -70", M., 1970; Oseka A, Piotrowska A, Styl "Expo", Warsz., 1970. See also lit. with st. Exhibitions. R. r. klike.

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