
Vysotskaya the culture
Exhibition of the achievements of national economy of the ussr (
Exhibitions are world
Exhibitions are agricultural
Exhibitions are artistic
Protrusions are tectonic
Highest certification commission
Highest komsomol school
Higher mathematics
Highest measure of the punishment
Highest party school with the cc cpsu
The higher school
Highest shkola&.tsuot
The higher school of the party organizers
Expressive motions

Образование - счетчик, рейтинг, каталог - FLEXER

Exhibitions are agricultural

the demonstration of achievements by agr. of production and science. In the socialistic countries v. s. serve obshchegos., obshchenar. interests. They have as a goal to accelerate the development s. of economy in the tech., tekhnologich. and organizats. relations on the basis of introduction into the production of achievements by agr. of science and foremost practice. V. s. in THE USSR widely demonstrate achievements by large, highly-mechanized socialistic agr. of production and are the school of advanced experience in organization and application of the most perfect technology in the section the branches of kolkhozes and state farms. In the capitalist states of exhibition commercial purposes pursue first of all, are simultaneously fairs (wholesale and retail), auctions.

In Russia v. s. were arranged general and special. The largest general exhibitions were in 1850 and 1860 in Petersburg, in 1864 and 1895 in Moscow, into 1887 in Kharkov, into 1913 in Kiev (largest). In the Kiev exhibition participated about 2 thousand exponents, it was presented to SV. 10 thousand exhibits, in their number ok. 2 thousand animals. Special (branch) v. s. in our country originate from zhivotnovodch. of exhibition in Kholmogorakh of the Arkhangel'sk of lips. (1857), where was demonstrated mainly large livestock. Then they followed: exhibition on the horse breeding in Moscow (1866); on the sheep breeding in Kharkov and Moscow (1870); molochnokhozyaystv. in Moscow (1878) and Petersburg (1879); on the poultry raising in Petersburg (1880); on the bee-keeping in Petersburg (1899); the exhibition agr. of machines and instruments in Petersburg (1894). Were conducted also general v. s. of province and mezhgubernskogo value (in Riga, Odessa, Tbilisi, Kiev, penza, Saratov and other cities). In a number of places, for example in Poltava and Tula Bay, won acceptance local exhibition- fairs.

V. s. into dorevolyuts. Of Russia they were arranged in the interests of important landowners, factory owners - users agr. of raw material, AKTs of companies, important leaseholders of the landowner's earth. Owners concluded on the exhibitions commercial transactions, and exhibits, especially agr. animals, were sold from the auction.

Enlightening and propagandistic action v. s. on the wide masses of working peasantry appeared with the Sov. authority. During July 1918 in Simbirske (now Ul'yanovsk) was opened floating agr. the exhibition, which more than 23 thousand man visited. 11-20 sounding boards. 1918 in Moscow for the delegates 1st Vseross. of the congress of zem. of divisions, committees of the poor and communes were exposed materials about natures the riches of Russia, the distribution of zem. of the fund for the country do oct of revolution, the state of agriculture, about the work of communes, etc.

In THE USSR won acceptance v. s. of different types and designation. On terr. to sign they are subdivided into the intraorganizational, the district, the provincial (boundary), the republic, the All-Union; on the thematics of demonstration - to the general and the branch: on the section to cultures, I see animals and to problems (mechanization, improvement, electrification, the chemicalization s. of economy), and also on the section to the methods of production in different branches s. of economy; are organized the special exhibitions, dedicated to the experience section of the masters agr. of production, specialized it is sectional, brigades and so forth most important of organizats. principles v. s. in THE USSR: the selection of their participants is conducted according to the results of competition among the toilers s. of economy, kolkhozes, state farms, scientific establishments, uch. of institutions and other organizations and enterprises, connected with s. with economy; in accordance with the conditions of competition conqueror- participants in the exhibition are encouraged by diplomas, gold, silver and bronze medals, den and supply rewards.

First All-Russian sel'skokhoz. and op r about m. exhibition was primitive opened on the initiative Of v. i. Lenin 19 avg. 1923 in Moscow in the territory of contemporary. Recreation park im. Gor'kiy. "I attach very great significance to exhibition, wrote V. i. Lenin, it were confident, that all organizations will render complete assistance to it. From the soul I desire the best success "(complete collected works, 5 publ., Vol. 45, s. 298). In its last arrival into Moscow, 19 oct. 1923, V. i. Lenin looked around exhibition. This exhibition visited ok. 1 million. 400 thousand excursionists; it contributed to advance into the cross, the economy of the progressive methods in the agriculture, new agr. of cultures and species of animals and was the means of the visual propaganda of Leninist cooperative plan. Exhibition served as an impetus and systematic example for organizing the large number v. s. at the places. Only in THE RSFSR for 1924-27 were carry ouied 6319 exhibitions - republic, provincial, district. The number of their visitors exceeded 6 mln. man.

Constant All-Union s. - x. in y with t and v k and (VSKHV) acted into 1939-41 and 1954-58. In 1939-41 it was the review of achievements by large highly-mechanized socialistic agr. of production on the eve of the great of the fatherlands, war. It was organized in Moscow (Ostankino), over the area SV. 140 GA, where were built more than 250 buildings (pavilions, hothouses, etc.), is planted a large quantity of fruit and decorative trees, flower gardens were broken, were placed eksponatnye sowings. Exposure VSKHV was constructed both on the branch and on terr. principle- on the union and Autonomous Republics and the separate natural zones. In 3 years (1939-41) the number of participants VSKHV composed ok. 800 thousand man. In first yr exhibition visited SV. 3,5 mln. man.

In the period of the great of the fatherlands, war the work of exhibition was interrupted and newly renewed 1 avg. 1954. The discovery exhibition preceded competition to the right of participation in it between the workers s. of economy, the kolkhozes, the machine-and-tractor stations, the state farms and the scientific establishments, and also between the regions, the oblasts, kray, republics. The principle of demonstration is preserved previous - combination of territorial with the branch. The area of exhibition was extended to 207 GA, the number of buildings reached 383. For 1954-58 participants VSKHV there were more than 1,5 mln., and the number of visitors exceeded 36 mln., in Vol. h. SV. 1 mln. organized excursionists. The main committee of exhibition rewarded participants to gold, silver and bronze medals, diplomas, evidence and issued valuable rewards.

In accordance with the decision by Sov. min. of the USSR of 28 May 1958 VSKHV it became part of the exhibition of the achievements of national economy OF THE USSR (VDNKH - EXHIBITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF THE USSR). Were liquidated republic and shere rekonstruirovany branch pavilions. At VDNKH - EXHIBITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF THE USSR in the division of agriculture are organized interbranch and branch subject exhibitions, reviews and specialist. exposure on the most important productive- tech. problems of the development of the branches agr. of production with the conducting on their base scientific-technical of seminars and conferences, schools of the advanced methods of labor, encounters of the innovators of production and scientists. On the crying problems of the development of rural economy are conducted mobile of thematic exhibition in the basic economic regions of the country. Exhibitions and taking out of the best tribal animals enjoy large popularity; the demonstration of new machines and equipment; the demonstration of the fragments of advanced technologies. The extra-exhibition demonstration of advanced experience in the best economies of the Moscow area is organized.

At VDNKH - EXHIBITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF THE USSR the fundamental importance is given to the propaganda of the advanced experience of the intensification s. of economy on the basis of specialization, chemicalization, overall mechanization and reclamation of the earth. Izdayutsya the leaflets, which propagandize the achievements of science and advanced experience in all branches s. of economy.

In 1964-69 at VDNKh - Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR the achievements s. of economy were demonstrated in 31 pavilion. Were carry ouied 164 thematic exhibitions and review, 104 mobile exhibitions, 1345 seminars, conferences, it was course, schools and the encounters, in which was accepted the participation of 148 thousand specialists, scientists and front-rank workers s. of economy. Within the division s. of economy is yearly participants in the exhibition in more than 200 thousand front-rank workers and ok. 9 thousand economies, of them are rewarded by the diplomas of VDNKh - Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR of more than 2 thousand economies and organizations, by gold, silver and bronze medals with the presentation to den of rewards - 30-35 thousand people.

In the majority of union republics are constant exhibitions, which propagandize as well as VDNKh - Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR, achievements of science and advanced experience in all branches of national economy, in Vol. h. and rural economy.

Provincial (boundary) v. s. are conducted periodically. They show the state s. of the economy of region on the the most important of organizats.-khoz. to problems and section to branches. Together with the comprehensive demonstration of achievements by agr. of production and science in the regions (edges) organize thematic exhibitions on that leading for this locality or given year to theme. The component part of the work provincial (boundary) v. s. are conducting seminars, encounters with the scientists and the practice, release of the mass literature, leaflets, posters about the experience of front-rank workers, about the achievements of local experimental establishments, publication in the local newspapers of articles about the exhibition and its participants.

District v. s. became the traditional form of bringing the sums agr. of year, the form of the celebration of the All-Union day of the workers s. of economy (yearly on second Sunday of October). Such exhibitions acquaint visitors with the activity of kolkhozes, state farms and progressive-minded people, which in the present year obtained the best results, conquered superiority. To thematic district exhibitions are devoted to the separate themes: the "advanced experience of the cultivation of sugar beet", the "technology of the cultivation of flax", etc., and also productions, to operations or to the methods: the "mechanical milking of cows", the "chemical methods of fight with the weeds", etc. In a number of regions for v. s. is diverted constant terr. 4 are built accomodations; exhibitions are accompanied by the review of artistic, independent activity, cultural achievements of region, by excursions into the best economies and in enterprises.

Intraorganizational v. s. are arranged in the important kolkhozes and the state farms. They time them to different events in the economy: to anniversary date, to the rewarding of the kolkhoz of governments, by reward, to conducting inter-kolkhoz seminars, to the method of excursions from other economies and so forth on collective farm v. s. predominate natural exhibits; photo exhibitions and inspections of economy in the nature are organized.

International v. s. of the USSR participate v in s., organized for its limits, and he is a participant in the convention about the internat. exhibitions. THE USSR allows also great possibilities for the organization in its territory v. s. of the foreign countries. Internat. exhibitions on s. to economy with the participation BY THE USSR were conducted in the the German Of demokratich. To republic (1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1967, 1969), Hungary (1962, 1964, 1970), Rumania (1960, 1965), Yugoslavia (1965, 1967), India (1960-1961), OAR (1961). Furthermore, achievements s. of the economy OF THE USSR were demonstrated in the Sov. pavilions in the commodity-industry exhibitions in Czechoslovakia (1960), Great Britain (1961), France (1961), Mongolia (1961), Brazil (1962), India (1962), Burma (1966), Italy (1966), New Zealand (1966), Hungary (1967), and also on the world exhibitions in Brussels (1958), Montreal (1967), osaka (1970). Mezhdunar. and world exhibitions make possible for the foreign countries to become acquainted with the achievements Soviet s. of economy, and to the representatives OF THE USSR to study the experience of conducting agr. production abroad and to establish closer contacts with the foreign scientists and the specialists. Many of the fatherlands, exhibits (tractors, agr. of machine, instruments, equipment, the types agr. of cultures and others.) they were noted on the exhibitions by rewards. Within the period from 1958 through 1970 were obtained 2374 rewards, in Vol. h. highest State and honorable was prize 23, medals 945 (of them 471 gold) and 1581 diploma. Agr. exhibits (agr. technology, instruments, grain and other.) they are demonstrated also on different foreign mezhdunar. the fairs, which pursue commercial purposes. Achievements by Sov. s. of economy showed also on the internat. exhibitions, provodimngkh in THE USSR, for example, on the exhibition "chemistry in the industry, building and agriculture" (1965), "contemporary agricultural machines and equipment" (1966), "chemistry -70" (1970), etc. Lit.: All-Union agricultural exhibition 1939, M., 1939; Zhukov a. f., the architecture of the All-Union agricultural exhibition 1939, M., 1939; All-Union agricultural exhibition 1941, M., [ 1941 ]; Fedorov M. i., All-Union agricultural and homemade- industrial exhibition, M., 1953; All-Union agricultural exhibition 1954, M., 1955.

E. S. oslikovskaya, 3. S. Belкva.

Hosted by uCoz