
Vysotskaya the culture
Exhibition of the achievements of national economy of the ussr (
Exhibitions are world
Exhibitions are agricultural
Exhibitions are artistic
Protrusions are tectonic
Highest certification commission
Highest komsomol school
Higher mathematics
Highest measure of the punishment
Highest party school with the cc cpsu
The higher school
Highest shkola&.tsuot
The higher school of the party organizers
Expressive motions

Образование - счетчик, рейтинг, каталог - FLEXER

Exhibitions are artistic

public, b. h. is temporary, the demonstration of the works of skill. V. x. - osn the form of the acquaintance of spectators with the machine-tool skill (with the contemporary skill, with the artistic, by heritage). Sometimes v. x. arrange also for purposes of sale the prod. of skill. Are distinguished by v. x. of internat., national, regional (in THE USSR - All-Union, rep., provincial, etc.), stationary and mobile, personal, group and collective. V. x. can be periodic (yearly, two-year -"biennale" and other). V. x. frequently unite works according to some sign - in composition of participants (member ah, the students of artistic, uch. of institutions, samodeyat. artists and other.) and their equipment with the artistic, the groups, on I see and to the genres of art (painting, sculpture, engraving, portrait, view), and also on the themes (Vol. n. subject exhibitions) and to directions in it will depict, art. The great significance have museum v. x. (personal and thematic, with the attraction of the works, which are stored in the reservists or obtained to the period in procedure for exchange from other museums, exhibitions of new enterings into the museum, etc.). The selected by participants in the exhibition or assigned special commission (judges) selects prod.. on their theme and quality, it awards reward. There are exhibitions, also, without the judges. Wider functions carry out exhibition committee, which conducts entire organizats. work (staffing v. x., the arrangement of exhibits, the publication of catalogs, guides, the organization of excursions and lectures, etc.). For many (main oor. of tematich.) V. x. in accordance with their theme and by ideological trend is compiled the plan of exposure.

By first v. x. there were the public demonstrations of artistic, prod.. in other Greece (with 6 v. to n. 3.), in Italy into 15-16 substances. during the holiday processions, in Holland and Flandrii in 17 v. at the fairs and markets. In France the Parisian Royal Academy of painting and sculpture, which achieved with 1653 demonstrations of the works of its members, from 1699 began to arrange exhibitions in Luvre (see salon). In 18 v. regular exhibitions were organized and AH other states (in Vol. h. with 1760- X yr. ah in Petersburg). With 19 V. V. x. become osn by the form of the participation of art in societies, life, by the battlefield of ideological- artistic directions. In 2-1 floors. 19 v. together with official akademich. by exhibitions appear unofficial exhibitions (exhibition Of g. kurbe's pictures "realism", 1855, the "salon of those rejected", 1863, France) and societies, exhibition associations (national society of elegant arts, 1890, in France; Setsessiony, from 1892, in Germany and Austria). Some of them contradicted society -akademic. against the art (see academicism in the depictive skill and society skill) of realistich. program, the searches for the new means of artistic, expressiveness. In Russia in 19 v. the foremost nature the exhibitions of itinerant artists bore (with 1871). Sharp increase of the quantity v. x. in KON. 19 beginning. 20 substances reflected the complex and contradictory nature of the Russ. art of this period (exhibition of associations "Mir of skill", the "union of Russian artists", "diamonds jack", etc.), the increased interest in the study of national artistic, heritage (Historico- artistic exhibition of portraits, 1905, Petersburg).

In THE USSR and other socialistic countries v. x. they are intended for the national masses and play large vospitat. role; this caused wide acceptance v. x. (in Vol. h. of thematic). Largest of them: "15 years OF RKKA - WORKERS' AND PEASANTS' RED ARMY" (1933), the "industry of socialism" (1939), "World War II" (1942), the exhibition of the works of the depictive skill of socialist countries (1959), "Skill- in the way of life" (1960), "on the guard of peace" (1965), All-Union anniversary artistic exhibition "50 years of the Soviet regime" (1967) - in Moscow; the "mass agitation skill of the first years of the October Revolution" (1967) in Moscow and other cities; All-Union of artistic, exhibition, dedicated to century from the birthday Of v. i. Lenin (1970) in Moscow; "we love life" (1966) in Berlin. Is great role v. x. in the lift of national culture and increase in national self-consciousness in the countries, liberated from column, supremacy (1st internat. festival AFR of art, 1966, Dakar, Senegal). In kapitalistich. the countries together with the exhibitions of klassich. and contemporary progressive art are arranged much v. x. for advertising, commercial purposes, and also the exhibitions, which propagandize burzh. ideology.

For iskusstvoznaniya the great significance have v. x., dedicated section to the phenomena of the history of the arts, on which frequently are exposed the prod., which are stored in the different countries. To the cultural rapprochement of peoples, to the mutual enrichment of their cultures, to fight for peace and progress they contribute the exchange of national. V. x. (exhibition the "skill of Mexico from the earliest times to our days", 1960, in Moscow, "Russian skill from the Scythians to our days. Treasures of Russian museums ", 1967-68, in Paris), mezhdunar. V. x. ("skill and resistance", 1965, in Bologna), national and mezhdunar. exposure on the world exhibitions (exhibition "genius of man- creator" into internats. the pavilion of world exhibition in Montreal into 1967).

Lit.: Exhibitions of Soviet depictive skill. Reference book, t. 1 - 2, M, 1965-67; Luckhurst K. W, The story of exhibitions, L - N Y, 1951; KochG. F, Die Kunstausstellung. Ihre Geschichte Von Den Anfangen Bis Zum Ausgang Des 18. Jahrhunderts, into, 1967. In. M. Petyushenko.

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