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Образование - счетчик, рейтинг, каталог - FLEXER

Highest measure of the punishment

cm. The capital punishment.
HIGHER NERVOUS ACTIVITY, the activity of the highest divisions of the central nervous system of animals and man, "... ensuring the normal cross ratios of entire organism to the external peace... " (Pavlov I. p., poly coll. are working, t. 3, 1949, s. 482), in contrast to the activity center, nervous system on the regulation of the relationship of the parts of the organism between themselves. Term "v. n. d." it is introduced into the science To i. p. Pavlov, who considered him equivalent to concept "mental activity". Thus, according to Pavlov, all forms of psikhich. of activity, in Vol. h. thinking and consciousness of man, elements v. n. d. the direct predecessor of Pavlov in the creation of the study about v. n. d. was i. M. Sechenov, who in the work the "reflexes of brain" (1863) developed materialistich. of idea about reflector nature of psikhich. of activity.

According to Pavlov, at the basis v. n. d. of the highly organized animals lie the conditioned reflexes, manufactured by the highest divisions center, nervous system (in the highest vertebral animals and in man - preim. by the cerebral cortex of brain), and also complex unconditional reflexes (instincts, emotions , etc.), i.e. the forms of the activity of the brain, achieved in essence by the nearest subcortical nervous formations. In this case the crust and the subcortical divisions of large brain from spetsifich. by the forms of their activity find in indissoluble connection and interaction and work as single whole. Achieved in essence by subcortical nervous formations and justified by the vitally important needs of organism inclination (food, sexual, shielding, etc. motivations) serve as basis for producing sootvetstv. of the conditioned reflexes and as a result come out in v. n. d. as the product of the joint operation of crust and subcortical formations of the brain.

The perfect adaptation of organism to the environment is achieved by means of formation and disappearance of different conditioned reflexes. Changeability, conditionality by the factors of external and vnutr. of the medium of organism and the temporariness of the conditioned reflexes have exceptionally important biol. value, ensuring flexibility and accuracy of the adaptation of organism to the changing environment. The signal nature of conditioned-reflex activity is allowed for organism on some, to the often distant forerunners - to conditioned stimuli, to approach in advance favorable for its existence conditions and to avoid unfavorable, and also immeasurably enlarges the perception of objects and events of the surrounding peace and the range of activity. The role of unconditional reflexes in v. n. d. consists not only in the fact that on their basis are manufactured in the final analysis all conditioned reflexes, but also in the fact that the unconditional reflexes, in particular their complex forms, come out as the concentrated expression of the hereditary fixed experience of the preceded generations as the manifestation of genetich. of memory.

The relative value of conditional and unconditional reflexes in v. n. d. changes in the process it is true the development of animal peace. In the behavior of invertebrates in the lowest vertebral the animal innate form of nervous activity they predominate above those acquired; in the process of the evolution of animals preponderance gradually obtain the acquired forms of nervous activity, becoming the prevailing forms v. n. d. moreover same these forms they undergo the substantial changes: the conditioned reflexes continuously are complicated and are improved, their composition constantly is enriched, conditioned-reflex activity as a whole becomes ever more advanced and active means of adaptation to the environment, i.e. ensures the possibility of existence of organism into ever broader band of the conditions of living environment.

According to Pavlov, v. n. d. of animals, which are located even on the high level of development (for example, dogs, monkeys), is reduced in essence to the totality of the varied and different conditioned reflexes of the first signal system, general in man with animals. In spite of the gradual development of speech, the conditioned reflexes of the first signal system still continue to compose the fixed capital v. n. d. of children in the first years of their life and occupy the specific place in v. n. d. of man in the subsequent periods dependent on age. To this form of conditioned-reflex activity Pavlov carries sensations, ideas and impressions of man from the surrounding environment, in Vol. h. and social, excluding verbal, voice signals. However, in man in connection with the development of the social forms of working activity "... they appeared, developed and extremely were improved the signals of the second degree, the signals of these primary signals - in the form of the words, proiznosimykh, heard and seen "(there, s. 576). This qualitatively new, higher and more perfect second signal system of reality, based also on the conditioned-reflex mechanisms, is characteristic only of v. n. d. of man, it find in close cooperation with the first signal system and plays the leading part in its conscious life, it gives basis for the generalization and thinkings. Constantly emphasizing the fundamental, qualitative difference between these two forms v. n. d., Pavlov simultaneously indicated also the organic connection between them, the fact that the fundamental laws, established in the work of the first signal system, must govern the second.

Pavlov separated track osn laws, or rule, v. n. d.: 1) the formation of the conditioned reflexes, or of the nervous closings, because of the counter propagation of excitation from the crust representations of the combined stimuli and the inherent cells of the brain of extraordinary reactivity and zapechatlevayemosti; 2) the dependence of the value of the conditioned reflex from the force of irritation; 3) the summation of conditioned stimuli; 4) the development of braking in the crust because of the cancellation of the reinforcement of the conditioned reflex, sharp strengthening of the conditioned stimulus or of the action of unusual stimulus; 5) propagation is concentrated nervous processes through the cerebral cortex, by virtue of which occurs interaction between the section by its parts, and also generalization and the specialization of the conditioned reflexes; 6) the mutual induction of nervous processes, which ensures contrasting interaction between the crust centers of excitation and braking. The conditioned-reflex activity of the brain - qualitatively spetsifich. the form of reflector activity - is subordinated to the principles of determinism and structuredness (each function it is caused by determinate structure) and it is achieved in accordance with the rules indicated. In the final analysis v. n. d. ensures the finest analysis and the synthesis of falling to the organism varied irritations and its perfect adaptation to the environment.

Essences, value for v. n. d. has the dynamic nature of specialization and localization of functions in the cerebral cortex, which plays important role in the reliability of its activity, and also force, steadiness and mobility of the nervous processes, which determine, according to Pavlov, physiol. bases of the type of nervous system and nature of nervous activity. In Pavlov's study about v. n. d. the new illumination of the phenomenon of sleep and hypnosis was obtained.

Pavlov's study about v. n. d. is developed by his students and followers in THE USSR and abroad. Central phenomenon in v. n. d. - the conditioned reflexes - the urgent and popular subjects of studies in world neurophysiology and experimental psychology. V. n. d. study not only with the aid of the varied modifications of the classical of Pavlovian procedure, but also with the use of the newest macro- and of mikroelektrofiziol. and tsitokhimich. of procedures. This gives the possibility to investigate the surface and deep structures of the brain, to reveal laws governing the function section of nerve cells, molecular bases of their activity.

The numerous works of the fatherlands, and foreign scientists confirmed the correctness of those established by Pavlov and his colleagues osn of facts and regularities v. n. d. simultaneously it is revealed the mechanism of the processes, proceeding in the brain and being been basis v. n. d. so, with the aid of elektrofiziol. and neyrokhimich. of studies is proven the important role of the reticular formation of the stem of the brain and intermediate brain in the maintenance of tone and fitness for work of the cerebral cortex. By this is confirmed Pavlov's assumption about the role of the subcortical formations, which not only achieve unconditioned reflex activity, but also are source energies for the cerebral cortex, supporting its tone and fitness for work at the proper level. However, the views of some scientists about the leading part of this formation in the conditioned-reflex activity and the corticosubcortical interrelations are questionable. The study of the formation of the conditioned reflex with the aid of electro-physiol. procedures showed that with the repeated combinations of indifferent stimulus with the unconditional a substantial increase in the excitability of the cortical points of these stimuli occurs, in particular unconditioned stimulus, and this plays important role in the formation of the conditioned reflex. It is established also, that in the process of producing the conditioned reflex the nervous elements of these points undergo and other functional changes - they become more labile, they work as in the united rhythm, are made more by "responsive" to any kind to changes in other parts of the brain. These studies confirm the point of view of Pavlov about the inherent to entire nervous system phenomenon of "making of the ways", about the chsummatsionnom reflex ", at the basis of which lies the increased excitability or the excitation of sootvetstv. of nervous structures.

Achievements are located also on the traditional ways of study v. n. d.: are revealed the new varieties of the conditioned reflexes (interoceptive, that switch, binary, etc.), the new phases of the formation of the conditioned reflex (phase of initial localization) and the cortical braking (phase of preventive braking), are refined the mechanisms of appearance and localization vnutr. of braking, is extended information on filogenetich. and ontogenetich. evolutions v. n. d., about the role of ekologich. of the adequacy of signals in this activity and the like important significance have studies of integral behavioral reactions, conducted in the conditions of the free movement of experimental animals or traditional of laboratory experiments. In this case are revealed and are studied the new forms of the slozhnointegrirovannykh conditioned reflexes (chain, situation, cross, extrapolation, ordinal, etc.). Are established osn of the stage of the formation of the conditioned reflexes into the first months of the life of child, and also the facts of the powerful stimulation of the development of speech in children by means of the training by their eng. of activity.

The study about v. n. d. has enormous teoretich. and practical value. It enlarges the nature- scientific basis of dialektich. of materialism, confirms the correctness of the Leninist theory of reflection, it serves as weapon into ideologich. fight with the manifestations of idealism.

Study about v. n. d. - one of the most great achievements of the contemporary natural science: it marked the beginning of new epoch in the development of physiology; have great significance for medicine, since the results obtained in the experiment served as the starting point of physiological analysis and pathogenetic treatment (for example, snom)nek-rykh diseases center, nervous systems of man; for psychology, pedagogy, cybernetics, bionics, scientific organization of labor and many others of the branches of practical human activity.

Lit.: Krasnogorsk n. i., the development of the study about the physiological activity of the brain in children (articles, lecture, reports), l., 1939; Pavlov i. p., poly coll. tr., Vol. 3, MOSCOW-LENINGRAD, 1949; Orbeli L. A., Questions Of higher nervous activity, M. - L., of 1949; But with r and t of 4 n 3. A., I. p. Pavlov. Life and scientific work, M. - l., 1949; Kogan a. b., the bases of the physiology of higher nervous activity, M., 1959; Electroencephalographic study of higher nervous activity, M., 1962; Dmitriev A. S., The physiology Of higher nervous activity, M., 1964; Belenkov n. Yu., the conditioned reflex and the subcortical formations of the brain, M., 1965; M of 3 g in n g., the wakeful brain, translated from English, 2 publ., M., 1965; Voronin l. g., the course of lectures on the physiology of higher nervous activity, M., 1965; Grey u., living brain, M., 1966; Kol'tsova M. M., generalization as the function of the brain, l., 1967; Anokhin P. K., biology and neurophysiology of the conditioned reflex, M., 1968. 3. A. asratyan.

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